Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 158 - Tuesday 16th July 2013; Location - Pentecost Riverside Campsite, Home Valley Station (HV8)

What a beautiful spot to wake up to WOW front row seats/views of the Cockburn Range.

Once we had packed up I headed down to the river and took a picture of a saltwater crocodile that was swimming across the river.

If it wasnt so expensive you could spend alot more time camping here, good spot, great amenities.

Home Valley Station (HV8) is no longer a cattle station supplementing its income with a bit of camping, it is now a tourist destination, they have really developed this place from last time we were here. Personally I prefer the riverside camping than the camp ground up at the homestead.

As we were leaving and heading out to the Gibb River Road, just as we approach the turnoff we see 2 dingos, so James stops and I take some quick photos before they take off.

Back on the GRR, some parts have changed, some bits now has tar on it, it is amazing how different it looks, this time we are doing it from east to west, last time we did it from west to east. Does give you a different perspective.

We got to the Kalumburu turnoff and called in to the rest area there to have some lunch. Quite a few others had the same idea as us. It was rather busy. It is a shame that anything in the rest area if it wasnt the rubbish collection area it had been taken, about the only thing that was left there was the 2 concrete picnic tables. All signage had been removed.

Back on the Kalumburu road and back to the corrugations, which in places was really really bad.

We got to Drysdale River Station and paid our dues to go camp at the Miners Pool and headed down the road and in to the campground.

My headache was at the nausea stage but James had to try and fix the air bag in the cruiser that all his previous attempts to fix the air bag had failed, so any hope of me taking something and lying down was not going to happen.

So after hand washing the clothes and hanging them out, I took Rena down to the swimming hole for a bit of a swim. It was really good place for kids as there was a section were it was really shallow so Rena could have some fun without her swim suit.

When I got back James headed down to the river for a swim to wash off, and Rena followed him down. It was too cold for James to swim so he just washed off.

Early night for me tonight, this headache is a killer.

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