Saturday 12 October 2013

Day 244 - 245 Thursday 10th - Friday 11th October 2013; Location Phildappa Rock

Thursday 10th

What a difference a day can make, today it is overcast and showers, but not to hot, but still cold enough to keep the flies away.

We had slept in to 9am, but with getting use to the change in time zone, and adding daylight savings on to it, and not much sleep the last couple of nights, I think we all needed to sleep in.

Well after we got up, we had a nice relaxing day including a much needed shower, no more prickly heat after the last couple of really hot days.

James and I took turns at exploring the rock. Rena went with James and had a great time exploring Phildappa Rock.

It was afternoon before I climbed up on top, wow, what spectacular views from up on top. It was almost clear, so not to many clouds in the sky, but very windy. I didnt want to get to close to the edge because it was gusting.

This is definately a place that we would want to come back to explore again. It is a free camp, they just ask for a donation, which we did give. Toilet, Covered Picnic Area with light, BBQ and bins. very well laid out.

I cooked dinner just on dark to try and avoid the flies, was good not to have to contend with the flies whilst cooking.

After dinner James and I pulled out the maps and books to try and decide where to go to from here. We also wanted to work out wether it was worth buying another Parks SA Holiday Pass as we were going to go in to Gawler Ranges and maybe some other parks. We decided not to buy one at this point, but still couldnt really decide where to go. We will definately come back to SA for some of our 6 week holidays. There is just so much we still want to see here.

We are going to take it one day at a time, we still have about 6 weeks before we need to be back in Brisbane again, so why rush these things, if we like somewhere we will stay a few extra days, if we don't like it we will move on.

Both Rena & I have lifted spirits now that we have a home date. I will have so much to do when I get home, but really looking forward to being there and seeing my family again especially Leaston and my sooty cat. Missing both of them tremendously.

I then decided to hop the net for a little bit, and hopped on the myswag forum, read a thread which was titled 'Twilight Divorces' and had a good laugh, could relate quite well to some of the stories.

Friday 11th October

Woke up to a beautiful sunny day, hopefully the flies will stay away, but I highly doubt it.

We took our time and packed up before heading out to the Gawler Ranges and to the Organ Pipes, was a good drive but had to open and shut 3 gates on the way in and again on the way out.

Once we got to the Organ Pipes carpark, we took the easy 500 meter walk up to the Organ Pipes, it is amazing what nature has created.

After doing the walk and returning to the car, I decided to make lunch, but as the flies were that bad and intent on carrying us away, we decided that I would make lunch in the car, so at least we could attempt to eat lunch without the addition of flies.

We then headed back out of the Gawler Ranges and back to Minnipa, what a wonderful small community, we called in to the store and bought some bread and ice creams, and as I was paying for it, James asked if there was anywhere in town we could get water, and she let James have 20ltrs for free. Which was really nice of her.

We then headed down the road a little and in to the 2nd hand bookshop, so now James and I have something to read and they gave Rena a book to. :)

We then went and looked at the Concrete Crappa before heading back down highway number 1.

We then took the short dive out to Tchackuldu Rock. WOW what another amazing rock formation. Some of the rocks look like the Devils Marbels.

We drove around the rock looking at the camping options, we stopped and had a look at the original hut that has been restored, and then did the short drive down to the Tchackuldu Dam, this was the original water supply for the township. But has not been used for quite some time, James actually drove around the inside of the dam, it is now very very dry.

We headed back to the hut and set up camp near it as there was a nice flat spot next to an old concrete slab, perfect for us to set up next to. The hut was another very interesting find, it has a table and seats, as well as a visitor book (well pages) and someone had left some native flowers on the table along with some current womens magazines. All of the walls had been written on, I dont know if I agree with it, think I prefer to sign a visitor book to deface an historic building.

We set up camp, once again the flies were REALLY BAD, so we sat inside and had our cuppa as you couldn't even drink your tea without swallowing flies.

I waited until just on dark to cook dinner, and a fruit cake, getting good at cooking these cakes in the dream pot. mmm mmm.  I think the fact that it wasnt blowing a gale made such a difference with the cooking of the cake.

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