Thursday 9 May 2013

Day 75 Wednesday 24th April 2013, Location; Kurth Kiln

What another beautiful find, it is a shame that the council are no longer allowing camping around the kiln and only on the Scout Loop track.

Rena and I decided that we would take the walk that looped back to the Kiln and meet James at the other end. He could drive the cruiser and camper to the other end.  I didnt sleep all that well last night and needed to walk off this tired feeling.

What a beautiful walk, it was well signposted, lots of information signs about the place along the walk. At the end of the walk was the Kurth Kiln. Remarkable place. Parks Vic cetrainly know how to look after their parks.

The Kurth Kiln at the end was also very interesting, we are learning alot of how things were done in the good old days in Victoria.

James was in his element, as the back of the Kiln there was some really nice fungi, so out came the cameras and well you guessed it James spent quite some time getting that right shot, me I took a few photos but poor Rena was getting a tad bored, so we went up to the caretakers cottage and we had a bit of a look around.

Back at the car we decided that we would head over to Firth Park a day early, as we were meeting our good friend Chooky over there on the weekend, so in goes the coordinates in the GPS and we head off.

We stopped in at Healsville and did a quick shop. Loved the Coles car park as it had 3 designated car parks for caravans/boats. First ones in all the towns we have visited so far. Finally a RV friendly town.

We kept confusing the poor woman inside the GPS, she wanted to send us through the centre of Melbourne and we just kept heading northish and eventually she got it right and took us the way we wanted to go.  As it was we got to Firth Park at about 3.30pm and we set up camp for a couple of days stay.

Beautiful spot, 1 older toilet block and a new one (although new one had high door handles and poor Rena couldnt open the doors as we found out from a small cry of help when she went to the loo and couldnt get out). As they advised there was limited spaces for camper trailers so we were glad that there was no one else there when we arrived and had the pick of the place.

Time to sit back and relax for a while.

Not long after we had sat back and were relaxing 2 other campers arrived, damn the peace and tranquility was broken.  We pegged out Chookys claim for when he arrived tomorrow just in case we had more arrivals during the night and headed off to bed.

camp set up at Kurth Kiln

Rena on the Kurth Kiln walk

Kurth Kiln shed

Kurth Kiln

Caretakers cottage Kirth Kiln

camp at Firth Park

Firth Park

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