Wednesday 1 May 2013

Days 60 - 62 Tuesday 9th - Thursday 11th April 2013, Location: Brou Lake

Tuesday 9th
Day of relaxtion :) Used the dream pot to cook an upside down apple cake mmmmm and then used the camp oven to cook some scones. :) yummmmyyyy

Wednesday 10th
Another day of relaxing and getting ready to move on tomorrow.  It will be sad to move on tomorrow as this really is a beautiful spot to camp, you have the ocean waves soothing you off to sleep, the safety of the lake for kids to swim in. :) And well the wildlife is very friendly too. Just ask Rena, she had her hand out pretending to feed one so I could get a photo and it bit her finger. :) Is a bit more cautious now when mum says put your hand out so I can take a photo.

Thursday 11th April
Today we packed up and left Brou Lake, :( sad to leave as is a beautiful spot, was so nice and warm. Time to move on.

First stop was at the Bodalla Forest Park to drop off the rubbish, what a nice find. If you cant make it in to Brou Lake stopping here wouldnt be half bad either. The park has toilets, lots of covered tables and fresh drinking water. So we took the opportunity to fill up all our water tanks etc before heading off again.

We decided that we would take the coast road. A wise decision the coast road is quite beautiful. We were amazed at Murrah and the old bridge. We continued down the coast road until Tathra and then headed to Bega as I wanted to take James and Rena to the Bega Cheese factory. I remember going there as a kid and actually going on the factory floor and helping make cheese. As an adult I went there and looked at the factory from above through glass. Today well you get to visit the historical centre and get to sample some very small pieces of cheese and buy some but you can not do the factory tour any more :(.

We tasted some of the cheeses and bought some as they were on special and very good value. Next stop Eden as I want to go see the Killer Whale Museum.

Called in to the Ben Boyd National Park and have a quick look at The Pinnacles. Reminds me a bit of the Coloured Sands Beach a bit. Then on to Eden.

Arrived at Eden, it is a town that is not RV nor Trailer friendly. There was no where to park at the museum so we had to go park in the pub car park and walk down to the museum. As they have funny opening hours we got there at 3 pm and they basically said come back tomorrow we close in half an hour. We said sorry wont be here tomorrow. So you guessed it, I didnt get to see the museum.

We did a very quick tour/look at the historical wharf as the heavens were very dark and grey and it was starting to rain. We then drove up to the top of the hill and went to The Look Out. As there had been burn offs in the area the visability was quite limited. You could just make out things on the other side of the bay.

Called in to the IGA, thank goodness for market day, so stocked up on a few things that were on special including the BBQ chook, yay dont have to cook dinner in the rain tonight. :)

On to camp for the night, set up camper, just finished dinner and you guessed it, it started to rain, so in the camper we went. Early night tonight, it is cold and wet :(

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